Unlocking the business of games

Advising studios, investors, acquirers, media owners, educational organisations and governments since 2003.

Based in the UK, GIC is a specialist global games investment, strategy and policy consultancy. Over nearly 30 years in the games industry, we have worked for over 140 international clients:

We’ve started up studios, raised money for studios, sat on multiple games company boards, invested in games studios, advised scores of investors and games companies, and helped huge educational organisations find their way in games.

Who we help


We’ve helped games companies of all sizes understand why, when, how and what to raise money for - and from which investors. Our services include investment preparation, pitch practice sessions, management team assessment, investor deck review and pitching advice, fund guides and selection, negotiation tactics and valuation assistance, all in a safe environment before you meet investors. See our services for studios…

Investors & Acquirers

We’ve worked on dozens of corporate finance transactions and conducted over a hundred due diligence assessments ranging from seed stage and project funding to VC investments, private equity buyouts and acquisitions. See our services for investors & acquirers…

Media owners

We’ve helped some of the biggest media companies internationally to successfully enter games markets, decide which games platforms, genres and commercial models fit their IP portfolio and audiences, identify development partners, plan production, model outcomes and define strategy. We’ve helped our media clients identify, assess and conduct games company acquisitions. See our services for media…

Educational organisations

We have advised major educational institutions as well as educational games start-ups on how to exploit opportunities in the rapidly-growing market for game-based learning, including educational games, gamification and Generative AI. We have helped improve live games, create commercial propositions and routes-to-market, assessed learning projects and identified partners for educational projects. See our services for educational organisations…


We’ve produced some of the most impactful research into videogames in the last 2 decades for 9 government departments in 5 countries. We originated the UK’s Video Games Tax Relief and set out its economic and cultural arguments. We conduct formal research for trade bodies such as TIGA and Research Council backed funders such as NESTA’s Policy and Evidence Centre and the British Film Institute. See our policy and research services…

“When you are finished changing, you are finished.”

– Benjamin Franklin, (not) on videogames

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