Preparing games companies to raise and make money
We’ve started up studios, raised money for studios, invested in games studios, sat on multiple games company boards and advised scores of investors and games companies over nearly 30 years.
Raising finance for games companies is often portrayed as a dark art known only to successful company founders but the truth is that more money than ever is being raised by games companies. How they do that is no secret…
You can maximise your chances of success by being well prepared.
A prolific angel investor told us that no studio had ever answered every question about their business. We can help you get ready for investors’ tough questions before that make or break meeting.
We provide independent advice to games companies on how to approach investors, what investors want to see, and how to pitch and negotiate.
We look under the hoods of games companies every day, assessing their growth and commercial potential, reviewing the key questions that games investors always want answered.
We don’t raise money for studios or invest in companies we don’t know but…
How we help games companies
We offer a wide range of affordable services, digital products and assistance to games studios that help you prepare to raise investment and impress investors.
Investment checklists and reviews
Our pre-investment checklist provides games companies with everything you need to know before you make the decision to raise finance. This shows when to seek investment, why to seek investment, and what you get and don’t get from the investment.
We also provide short and long reviews of games companies’ investment plans. We can help kickstart your investment process, opening your eyes to the pros and cons of bringing investors in to look at your company.
Management team assessment
Investors will make their decision to invest not just on your games and technology, but on your leadership team. In fact, for most investors, your management team is your biggest asset. Your team will deliver the success and growth investors want to see so they’ll be assessing your experience, capabilities and resilience before they place their money in your company.
We provide an assessment of your leadership team’s skillsets and ways to plug skill gaps. These can reassure investors your team has what it takes to deliver your plans. We also provide short and long reviews of management teams including interactive sessions.
Investor profiles
Games companies often want to know who to approach. In our forthcoming series, we will profile leading games investment funds. We’ll highlight which companies funds have invested in, their typical investment levels, what they look for and how to approach them.
Investment decks
When you send your investment deck to investors, it needs to stand out. Over nearly 30 years, we’ve seen hundreds of games company investment decks. We can help you stand out from the crowd by providing you with deck templates for you to customise that prompt you to answer investors’ standard questions.
We can also review your investment decks and give you constructive feedback to ensure your deck does your company justice.
Pitching for investment
Our pitching checklist will help you learn the art of the pitch, what to include and what to avoid when pitching to investors.
We also provide investor pitch practice with realistic, helpful feedback to give your pitch the best chance of success.
We can advise companies in all aspects of commercial games exploitation, routes to market and investment preparation. Get in touch!
Investors love this kind of opportunity. As the cliché goes, they love to be the rocket fuel for the spaceship you’ve built. Investment to power growth is one of the most common drivers for games studio fundraising but it also comes with numerous trip hazards and things to consider…